Free Mental Health Education in Illinois Schools

Mental Health Matters in Illinois

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It's not just movies, it's a movement!

Impactful Fund is proud to support unprecedented free access to the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) for every K-12 school, community college and university in the state of Illinois for 1 year. Serving all students, educators and families.


The Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is a powerful film and evidence-based mental health education program that provides practical tools to educate our educators, youth, and families to safely address mental health in a fresh, new way. 


The program addresses anxiety, loneliness, suicide, bullying and belonging.


Why are we doing this? We believe everyone should have free access to mental health education. It is foundational and directly effects our physical health, academic achievements, relationships and safety.


Our mission is to provide mental health education through stories and to creatively engage and inspire how to safely be there for ourselves and others while learning how to measure impact. 


This is a pilot program with a long term plan for sustainability, to provide ongoing free access to our growing collection of film and evidence-based mental health education programming and to measure impact.


If you'd like to support ongoing free access and added programs addressing bullying, social media addiction, online safety and more please consider a gift and feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more and DONATE HERE. 


With deepest gratitude, 

Impactful Fund

Illinois Statewide Press Kit >


What is Angst? 

The Angst Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is an award-winning film and evidence-based mental health literacy program.

It effectively and safely helps to break the stigma around mental health by sharing personal stories of youth, adolescents, and families alongside educators, mental health professionals, expert perspectives, and the brain science behind it all. The program explains what anxiety is, how to identify it, and offers ways to safely support oneself and others to reach out for help. When people watch movies, they relate and see themselves in the stories.  

Most importantly, we learn that we are not alone and that we can address anxiety, social media addiction, bullying and belonging and that asking for help is a sign of strength and courage. It doesn't have to be scary.


The Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is COPPA, SOPA and FERPA compliant. 



Your Program Portal Includes:

  • Angst Core film (43 mins)
  • Film Chapters (3-8 mins)
  • Learning Bursts (2-12 mins)
  • SEL Activities (Digital & Downloadable)
  • Engagement & Impact Reporting Tool
  • Engagement Support
  • Marketing and communication assets
  • Films subtitled in multiple languages
  • Survey 

What Schools Are Saying

This Angst program has been implemented in schools and districts throughout the country and around the world.

"The films were a powerful tool to help open up conversations about anxiety, digital citizenship, bullying, and belonging. The accompanying tools and resources made it easier to support our educators and keep the conversation going for students and their families."  
Dr. Lea Anne Frost

Former President of IAASE & Former Director of Park Ridge-Niles Community Consolidated School District 64

"Angst is inspirational; the courageous effort made by teens in the film to face their fears and become competent in coping is heart-warming and breath-taking."
Dr. Laura Kastner

Child Psychologist, Author

"My county serves children of all demographics including those in poverty. Angst is not only appropriate but needed because it offers practical tips that are accessible to all. The film helps them understand the brain science behind anxiety symptoms and to be equipped with healthy tools that empower them."
Dr. Tinisha Parker

American School Counselor Association Chair

Get in Touch

For anyone interested in learning how to make The Creative Coping Toolkit: Angst Edition available in your school or school district outside of the state of Illinois, please contact us.

Scilla Andreen

Founder of Impactful Fund
Impactful Fund 501c3